TrueNet Announces Nicole Quinn as Vice President of Human Resources


TrueNet is pleased to share an important update within our Executive Team. Nicole Quinn has been appointed to Vice President of Human Resources (HR) underscoring TrueNet’s and Nicole’s commitment to nurturing and empowering our internal talent.

Nicole has been an invaluable member of our organization for seven years, consistently showcasing her dedication, professionalism, and remarkable leadership skills. Throughout her tenure, she has played a pivotal role in shaping our company culture, fostering employee engagement, and championing initiatives that prioritize the well-being and development of our team.

Nicole leads our growing HR department by driving strategic initiatives to attract, retain, and develop top-tier talent while also ensuring that our workplace remains inclusive, supportive, and conducive to growth. Nicole’s profound understanding of our organization and her unwavering commitment to our people make her the ideal person for this pivotal leadership role.